Quiz no25
1998. Video installation
2 video channels. Projection on a third floor and monitor on the ground floor of a building
I made this piece while I was working in a series of paintings called “Quiz Paintings”. In both works, my interest was to create pieces that worked within themselves as a system, with the least possible amount of references to external factors. The pieces were also intended to be similar to the quizzes due to its closed interrelationships structure, its problems and its answers.
The video installation consisted on a projection that took place in a room on the third floor of Wilfredo Lam Center, Havana. It showed a double video sequence of the documentation of two sequential roller coaster loops recorded in Jalisco Park in Havana. Based on the idea that nothing can be repeated in the same way, in these two almost-identical loops there are different details that can be detected mainly in the gestures and movements of the children on the roller coaster.
Between both video clips there were 12 different details that the piece encouraged the viewer to find. On the lower floor of the building I installed a monitor that showed the 12 differences by comparing both video clips. The monitor was upside-down, resembling the answers of the quizzes at the end of the magazines.